Zero waste cooking: Ways to use up separated egg whites and yolks

"Веселые люди делают больше глупостей, чем печальные, но печальные делают большие глупости." Эвальд Христиан Клейсту

The recipe needs only egg yolks, no whites, so you separate the eggs. But while the recipe turns out great, you’re now left with a bunch of egg whites, and it seems wasteful to simply toss them out. Or maybe it’s the same scenario, but instead you need only whites. Christa Schmedes is adamant about one thing: Never throw them out. “You can do an incredible amount with egg whites or yolks,” says the Munich-based cookbook author. If you don’t know right away what you want to use them in, just place the whites or yolks in the fridge. They can stay in the fridge for up to two days without any worr…

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