Which Movie Character’s Death Made You Completely Give Up On The Rest Of The Film?

"Одна законченная результативная задача стоит полусотни полузаконченных задач." Малкольм Форбс

The year is 2012. I’m in a movie theater watching Chronicle. I’m enjoying it — a lot, actually — when, partway through, a main character unceremoniously gets killed off (I won’t say who, even though it’s been eight years). Immediately I was like, “Eh, I don’t really care about how this plays out anymore.”

Which Movie Characters Death Made You Completely Give Up On The Rest Of The Film?

20th Century Fox

A similar thing happened when I watched 2008’s Burn After Reading and they unexpectedly killed a certain someone with a whole lot of movie to go — which I couldn’t get back into.

Focus Features

It even happens with big-budget movies. For example, The Dark Knight Rises built up the villain, making him seem like a strong, unconquerable force, only to get rid of him in one of the weakest, most forgettable ways.

Which Movie Characters Death Made You Completely Give Up On The Rest Of The Film?

Warner Bros. Pictures

We all understand that character deaths are necessary in some stories, but sometimes they’re done at the wrong time or in the wrong manner, and it leaves you sitting there shaking your head.


So we’d like to know — which movie character’s death made you completely tap out?! Tell us which character, AND why it didn’t sit right with you, in the comments below! You could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!

"Лучшее средство хорошо начать день состоит в том, чтобы, проснувшись, подумать, нельзя ли хоть одному человеку доставить сегодня радость. Фридрих Вильгельм Ницше"

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