US forces not protecting Syrian oil fields: Pentagon

"Привычка к упорядоченности мыслей единственная для тебя дорога к счастью; чтобы достигнуть его, необходим порядок во всем остальном, даже в самых безразличных вещах." Эжен Делакруа

Washington (AFP) – US forces in Syria are focused on fighting the remnants of the Islamic State group and are not guarding oil fields as previously ordered by ex-president Donald Trump, a US defense official said Monday. Since a US firm contracted last year with the Kurds in northern Syria to help exploit northeastern Syria oil reserves, US troops are not involved, said Pentagon spokesman John Kirby. The 900 US military personnel and  contractors in the region “are not authorized to provide assistance to any other private company, including its employees or agents, seeking to develop oil resou…

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