Top 5 Okinawa Cherry Blossom Spots to Visit in 2021

"Все дети - художники. Проблема в том, чтобы остаться художником, когда ты вырос." Пабло Пикассо

See the Cherry Blossoms Early in Okinawa! 2021 Sakura ForecastOkinawa Prefecture is located southwest of the island of Kyushu. Okinawa is a famous resort destination visited by many, and the year-round warm climate also draws people to its beautiful beaches and marine activities. Cherry blossoms in Okinawa have two special traits. Cherry blossoms in Okinawa are the first to bloom in Japan! The warm climate allows cherry blossom flowers to begin blooming in mid-January, which is the earliest in Japan. Also, cherry blossoms in Okinawa are different from those on the main island. Yoshino cherry t…

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