Olympic Gold Medalist Klete Keller, Arrested In Capitol Riots, Regrets Role: ‘I Let You Down’

"Ваше сознание – мелкий безбилетник на трансатлантическом лайнере, который ставит эту поездку себе в заслугу и не обращает внимания на все громоздкие машины под ногами." Дэвид Иглмен

After efforts to identify the thousands who rioted on Capitol Hill on Jan. 6 led to dozens of arrests across the country, Olympic gold medalist swimmer Klete Keller was arrested last week for his role in the pro-Trump mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol. Keller, teammate of Michael Phelps, swam for Team USA in 2000, 2004 and 2008 and was initially identified because he was wearing his Team USA Olympic jacket at the protests. The swimmer told his former Olympic coach, “I have let you down,” according to the New York Times.  Keller was first identified by civilians and swim fans who posted their …

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