Nor’easter makes Jersey Shore’s creepy ‘ghost tracks’ visible

"Все дети - художники. Проблема в том, чтобы остаться художником, когда ты вырос." Пабло Пикассо

The Nor’easter that slammed New Jersey Monday brought with it one perk. Abandoned century-old railroad tracks on the beach in Cape May, known as ghost tracks, were visible during shifting tides in the hours before the storm arrived. Images of the rails were posted at about 2 p.m. Sunday on the Sunset Beach Facebook page. The tracks were spotted for the first time in nearly 80 years in November 2014. They were used in the early to mid-1900s to support sand mining and munitions testing during World War I. They’ve emerged from the beneath the shoreline several times since then, most frequently wh…

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