Meditation Apps: A Beginners’ Guide

"Неудача – это просто возможность начать снова, но уже более мудро." Генри Форд

As the COVID-19 pandemic brought the world to a standstill, many turned to meditation apps to cope with the uncertainty. A beginner’s guide to meditation apps to help you get started in your journey to mental well-being. By Anuja Venkatachalam “The pandemic has made me stop, pause and reflect. I take my physical and mental health more seriously now”, remarked Anamika, a financial advisor whose 60-hour work week decelerated when travel restrictions and work-from-home policies were enforced in her city. This mirrors the voices of many urban, upper-middle class, working youth whose lives have slo…

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Жизнь — мираж. Тем не менее — радостным будь. В страсти и опьянении — радостным будь. Ты мгновения жил — и тебя уже нету. Но хотя бы мгновение — радостным будь!
Омар Хайям

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