If You’ve Done 32/49 Of These Things, You’re Pretty Gross

"Да умоется кровью тот, кто усомнится в нашем миролюбии." Тертуллиан

  • Picked your nose and then looked at what came out of it.

    Picked your nose and then eaten what came out of it.

    Scratched your backside and then smelled your hand.

    Picked earwax out of your ear with your finger.

    Picked earwax out of your ear with your finger and then looked at it.

    Picked earwax out of your ear with your finger and then eaten it.

    Eaten in bed and then immediately went to sleep without wiping away the crumbs.

    Dropped something on the floor and then eaten it.

    Dropped something on the ground outside and then eaten it.

    Worn the same pair of underwear two days in a row.

    Worn the same pair of underwear more than two days in a row.

    Popped a zit in the mirror so you could watch the puss come out.

    Popped someone else’s zit.

    Worn clothes you knew for a fact were dirty.

    Purposely taken something dirty out of the laundry so you could wear it.

    Went an entire day without brushing your teeth.

    Went more than two days without brushing your teeth.

    Went more than a week without brushing your teeth.

    Smelled your underwear to check if it was clean.

    Smelled your armpit to check for B.O.

    Gone to the bathroom without wiping.

    Specifically, bitten at a hangnail to try and get rid of it.

    Eaten something you knew was past its expiration date.

    Saw that something was a bit moldy, picked off the mold, and then eaten it.

    Eaten something moldy without picking off the mold.

    Almost thrown up but then swallowed the vomit.

    Used a dirty dish because you were too lazy to clean it/get a new one.

    Gone two days without washing your hair.

    Gone more than two days without washing your hair.

    Gone more than a full week without washing your hair.

    Bitten the dry skin flakes off your lips and then swallowed them.

    Picked eye boogers out of your eyes and eaten them.

    Picked someone else’s eye boogers out of their eyes.

    Examined all the gunk on your pore strip after ripping it off.

    Chewed with your mouth open.

    Used someone else’s toothbrush.

    Gone a week without washing your sheets.

    Gone a full month without washing your sheets.

    Gone multiple months without washing your sheets.

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