A Way to Go, Episode 12 – Advocating for Millions of Refugees and Displaced People, with Susan McPherson

"Веселые люди делают больше глупостей, чем печальные, но печальные делают большие глупости." Эвальд Христиан Клейсту

A Way to Go, Episode 12: Advocating for Millions of Refugees and Displaced People, with Susan McPherson

For many of us, travel is about vacations and special occasions. For 71 million refugees and displaced people around the world, travel is about survival. Susan McPherson, a board member for USA for the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, shares what she’s witnessed in such global hotspots as the border of Venezuela and Colombia and the camps in Jordan — and gives us reasons for hope and strategies to help. Have a listen:

Links and Info We Mentioned on the Show

USA for UNHCR (The United Nations High Commission for Refugees)

McPherson Strategies

Susan McPherson on Twitter and Instagram

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A Way to Go, Episode 12 - Advocating for Millions of Refugees and Displaced People, with Susan McPherson

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""Неудачу воспринимайте как благоволенье сил небесных. Как только до конца ее поймете, удачей обернется неудача. Удача, что вы поняли неверно, вмиг неудачей станет." (Книга Мирдада)"

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