19 Tips For Anyone Who Plans On Protesting

"Жизнь такова, какой мы по своему нашему характеру хотим ее видеть. Мы сами придаем ей форму, как улитка своей раковине." Жюль Ренар

As anti-police brutality protesters continue to be met with more violence by police, it’s vital to know what safety precautions to take to if you choose to engage in the protests, especially while we’re still in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.

Some of the tips below include suggestions of how to avoid being digitally tracked — something many are concerned about as they worry about being marked for potential retaliation or just want to keep themselves as low-profile as possible for general safety:


Go with a group of friends and make sure someone knows you’re going.

Lalocracio / Getty Images


If you’re concerned about tracking or privacy, don’t use Uber, Lyft, or other rideshare services for transportation because it can later be used to track where you went. Instead, walk, bike, or use public transportation.

Adrian Seliga / Getty Images


Wear a mask or face covering to continue safety measures against COVID-19 as well as protecting your identity.

Pinkomelet / Getty Images


Have a couple emergency contacts written down in case of emergency or arrest.

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Bring a first aid kit for emergencies.

Bernie_photo / Getty Images


Bring enough cash for food, transportation, or other necessities.

Nopphon Pattanasri / Getty Images


Don’t wear loose things that can be easily grabbed like jewelry.

Sutidas / Getty Images


Bring extra clothes in case yours are torn, damaged, or contaminated from tear gas or a similar chemical agent.

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Wear clothing that doesn’t have logos or visible writing that could be used to identify you.

Aaronamat / Getty Images


Wear clothing that covers tattoos, discernible scars, and birth marks that could be used to identify you.

Lisa5201 / Getty Images


If you are worried about the possibility of being tracked by law enforcement, don’t post on social media while you’re there, turn off Face/Touch ID on your phone, or bring a burner phone.

Aaub / Getty Images


Don’t take or post photos of other protesters that could be used to identify them later.

Shaunl / Getty Images


Don’t rub or touch your face if you come in contact with tear gas, mace, or pepper spray because it will worsen the effects.

Fg Trade / Getty Images

If you have any other helpful protesting tips, please share in the comments below.

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